Posts by Doubting Bro

  • JWFreak

    Can't live with...Can't live without....

    by JWFreak in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    ok i am just a newbie.

    but when your eyes are opened to lies that you believed you whole life...40 years and more.... it makes you angry, sick to the stomach and empty.

    everyone i know....i mean everyone is a witness....what a mess i am in.. .

    1. JWFreak
    2. OnTheWayOut
    3. OnTheWayOut
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    I too am in the same boat you are. I'm really at a loss as to what to do right now. Its really hard to be at the hall and fake it. I'm a newbie as well and I have to say I was blown away by the offers of support. I'll PM you later. Don't do anything drastic in your meeting. Figure things about before making a move so that you'll know how to deal with the aftermath.

    Yeah, Thirdwitness really helped me see that the WT arguments are empty, deceptive and false. When I watched someone make the same arguments that I used to make from an impartial point of view, I also realized the those points can't stand up to the cold hard light.

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 9-24-06 WT Study (JOB AGAIN)

    by blondie in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    he kept his money in its proper place?when he encountered widows or orphans, he helped them?but only fellow believers as jws only help other jws, if that.. .

    mature christians?only jws.

    christian?s integrity?only jws.

    1. blondie
    2. cyberdyne systems 101
    3. heathen
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The point made in your opening comments is what the study should really focus on because I think that's the biggest lesson for folks today. Satan directly attacked Job and caused him much suffering. But, the guys that dropped by to "comfort" Job and his own grieving wife were the ones that pushed Job to the point he wanted to die. His wife, I can understand, because as was brought out, she was dealing with the same things (except for the disease) that Job was. But the comforters were the real problem.

    I can't tell you how many times we've heard from elders/COs, ect that "if a person can't make it in service or to the meetings, they must be spiritually weak". Isn't that exactly what the "comforters" said? Isn't that what those guys got blasted for? So, why would it be appropriate for those in a position of a "shepherd" to act the same way.

    But, the focus remains on patience/endurance because they know the natives are restless due to all the unfulfilled expectations. "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick" (Prov 13:12, NWT). Wonder where we got those expectations from?

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 9-24-06 WT Study (JOB AGAIN)

    by blondie in
    1. watchtower
    2. bible

    he kept his money in its proper place?when he encountered widows or orphans, he helped them?but only fellow believers as jws only help other jws, if that.. .

    mature christians?only jws.

    christian?s integrity?only jws.

    1. blondie
    2. cyberdyne systems 101
    3. heathen
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    I was lurking for months before I finally worked up the nerve to participate. I want to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your reviews. Your analysis of the weekly WT study really has made an impact on me. The intellectual dishonesty, circular reasoning, subtle and not-so-subtle manipulation of the flock is something I wasn't able to see in my previous mindset. However, the more I read your reviews, the more I could see it.

    Also, I've been able to slip several of your comments into the study! While I doubt that makes a difference to anyone there, at least it makes me feel a little better.

    I realize the amount of work that you put into this each week. You're certainly doing more than most WT conductors. I just want you to know how much I personally benefited and to encourage you to keep up the good work.

    Safe travels!

  • Shooting Star

    Elder Newbies (and oldies) on JWD...

    by Shooting Star in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    have you been lurking for months, perhaps years?

    think of what you have learned in that period.

    elders, how do you hold it it in.

    1. acadian
    2. Nathan Natas
    3. solo
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro


    Would you mind sharing your plan? I'm working on one myself but am honestly at a loss as to how to begin. For me, it wasn't one thing that opened my eyes. It was a culmination of years of little doubts, coupled with the UN thing and really clinched by the WTS reaction to publishers legit questions about it.

    It almost seems like an impossible task to me at this point.

  • Lady Lee

    Some info for all the newbies re:The Best of series

    by Lady Lee in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    it was brought to my attention earlier this morning that perhaps the best of section of the board wasn't well-known to many of the new people here.. i made the suggestion that every now and then we can post a reminder to those who are looking for particular info and how some of it can be found in the best of.

    a couple of years ago i started an index of sorts with some of the best threads on jwd.

    it is a series of links to threads so you won't find the info in the series but you will find a list of links to the threads.

    1. yesidid
    2. Lady Lee
    3. Lady Lee
  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Lady Lee,

    You rock! I'm starting on putting together a notebook of information. I need it to 1) reinforce my decision that leaving is the right decision before I actually do it (I'm a pretty cautious person by nature and this will be a huge change) and 2) to be able to speak intelligently about the issues and present them articulately to my wife and others that "demand a defense"

    By the way, I'm really grateful to you for your hard work in organizing this information. Please know that your work is not in vain.